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Receive powerful healing sessions delivered to you every two months
(6 DVDs a year) for only $24 every two months*

Expand your consciousness and deepen your healing knowledge now!

* Your credit card will be charged $24 USD (shipping and handling are FREE) for the first session now and then subsequently every other month with each new DVD shipped.

If you decide the series is not for you for any reason what so ever you can cancel at any time - just contact us - no questions asked.

We are pleased to accept both Visa and Mastercard as forms of payment.

Please enter your name and shipping information below. You will then be transferred to our secure pay page.

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Shipping address same as billing address
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Click here to be transferred to our secure pay page.

Satisfaction Guarantee: If you are unsatisfied for any reason within 30 days of a session payment, contact us to cancel your subscription and we will refund your payment and give you an address to which you can ship your returning DVD. Click here for more information on our guarantee, return and cancellation policy.

Looking for a great gift? Purchase a gift registration here.

We ship worldwide via regular surface postal mail. We will notify you when each of your DVDs is shipped.

Shipment Dates
All of our DVDs are shipped out on the same date every two months.

How soon you receive your first DVD after placing your order will depend on the proximity of your order date to a DVD shipping date.  If you ordered after the scheduled shipping date for that month, your order will ship out to you with the next scheduled shipment. From then on you will receive your DVDs at approximately the same time every other month.

You pay for only as many DVDs as are shipped.  You can cancel at any time, for any reason, no questions asked.

Estimated arrival dates
Estimated arrival dates from the date of shipment:

Canadian addresses – Please allow 3-7 business days from the date of shipment
US addresses – Please allow 2-3 weeks from the date of shipment
International addresses (outside of the US and Canada) – Please allow 4-8 weeks from the date of shipment

If you are a first-time subscriber the delivery time of your first DVD will depend on when in our shipping cycle you registered. We ship out all of our DVDs together on the same day every other month. Delivery times for your first session DVD range from whatever the estimated arrival time is for your given address to 2 months (if you order the day after we just shipped) plus shipping time

Give the gift of greater consciousness and healing knowledge
In-depth sessions on DVD with master healers and spiritual teachers
 + access to our global online community + informative newsletter
Only $24 every two months
Click here to get a Center for the Healing Arts DVD series gift registration now

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