Victor Demko – Founding Director Victor Demko is a film director, producer, interviewer, healing arts enthusiast and founding Director of TheCenterForHealingArts.com. Mr. Demko specializes in combining his deep interest in personal, societal and environmental healing, wellness, and alternative medicine, with strong creative, artistic, organizational, leadership, business, and meditation skills to bring in-depth encounters with healing arts practitioners to people’s homes on DVD. Mr. Demko holds degrees from The University of Western Ontario (economics), The American Film Institute’s Center for Advanced Film Studies, and The Suluk Academy’s 4 `year`degree program in meditation and the inner yoga of sufism.
Swami Sundaranand – Guest - "Personal Time with Swami-ji" Swami Sundaranand is a great yogi, ascetic, healer, trekker, mountaineer, photographer, naturalist and ecologist. He took the brahmacharia sadu vow over 57 years ago and since then has lived in Gangotri near the source of the sacred Ganges River in the Himalayas. Yoga Swami Sundaranand has spent a major part of his life engaged in yoga & meditation. He is one of the primary students of Swami Tapovanam Maharaj, (1889-1957) on of the great Yogis of the early 20th century and received a special transmission from Swami Tapovanam in January, 1957 upon Swami Tapovanam’s passing. Swami Sundaranand is truly an enlightened soul full of love and light. Those who have the privilege and blessing of sitting in his atmosphere during meditation experience an elevation in consciousness that can only be described as divine.
Devi Tide – Guest "Personal Time with Devi Tide: The Practice of Healing and Awakening" Devi Tide, the Head of the Sufi Healing Order in North America, has over thirty years experience as a spiritual teacher, retreat guide and healer. As a world wide speaker on sufi healing she has contributed to programs in India, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America, and has spoken in place such as the Harvard Mind Body Institute, the University of Washington Medical School and attended the UN Millennium Peace Summit. She was the first woman to address a Sufi Symposium in Hyderabad India. An Emeritus Secretary General of the Sufi Order International, she represents Sufi Ideals of inter-religious harmony and personal transformation in her seminars, public speaking and individual and group retreats.
Sandra Ingerman - Guest "Listen With Your Heart: Sandra Ingerman on Shamanism, Healing & Nature" Sandra Ingerman, MA, is the author of Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, Welcome Home: Following Your Soul's Journey Home, A Fall to Grace, Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Environmental and Personal Toxins.
Sandra Ingerman teaches workshops internationally on shamanism, shamanic journeying, healing and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She has trained and founded an international alliance of 100+ Medicine for the Earth Teachers. In 2004 she started Teacher Training programs in shamanic journeying and shamanic healing. Sandra Ingerman is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times. Sandra is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and Professional Mental Health Counselor.